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The Counter Reformation

October 9, 2021
The most pertinent attack against the resurgence of the Bible was the Counter Reformation catapulted by the church of Rome, during the Dark Ages. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is going through another Counter Reformation. It is Satan’s plan to use Social Media as a method to catapult the modern Counter Reformation.

The Tomorrow War

July 31, 2021
The Tomorrow War is a dramatization of a future war against aliens that are “Sabbath Keepers.” How ironic that the writers of the scripts establish a scenario where the survival of the future world is dependent on destroying the “white spikes” that keep the Sabbath. Hang on, this message is powerful.

The Declaration of Independence

June 27, 2021
The Declaration of Independence highlights the document that spelled out the freedoms of the infant United States of America. It also highlights the Word of God that spells out our freedom from the powers and sins that bind us. We are empowered by the life of Christ to declare our independence from anything that binds us.

Just My Imagination

June 26, 2021
Just My Imagination examines the downfall of the past society and how their thoughts and imagination were the precursor to their downfall. It was not what they did, it was what they thought. How are your thoughts and imaginations preparing you for your destruction and how can you be free?

The Coming World Blackout

June 12, 2021
The Coming World Blackout is a simulation message of a not-to-distant event that will catch the world by surprise. There is a frightening reality that will confront an unprepared world. This message describes the blackout that is on the horizon and it reveals the steps we can take to survive this catastrophe.

To Have and To Hold On

May 22, 2021
Too many people married for better or for worse, but not for good. Many marriages come to an end because one or the other chooses not to hold on. This sermon talks about the challenges of a marriage that continues to become stronger in time. The key to a growing, thriving marriage relationship is, to have and to hold on.

The Secret Place

May 15, 2021
There is an untouchable place reserved for you and God alone. In this place the secrets of life are known. When you build your relationship with God on that daily secret place, you will find strength and resolve to live your Christian life undefeated. This sermon challenges you to find your secret place with God.

Mark of the Beast - Part 2

May 8, 2021
Part two of the mark of the beast begins with a question, “Is it possible that the seal of God and the mark of the beast in the forehead or both literal?” This approach to the understanding of the mark of the beast begins to make the connections on the eschatological plane and show how relevant it is to realize that one does not need the Mark of the beast to be lost.

Mark of the Beast

May 1, 2021
With the recent explosion of current events, the Mark of the Beast is being reinterpreted to fit into the Mask and Vaccine environment. There is a need to re-center ourselves on the tried and true understanding of the Biblical view and prophetic understanding. This part one series begins with re-establishing the prophetic pictures of Daniel and Revelation. It is thought provoking.

Direction of the Storm

April 24, 2021
The Christian is often challenged by the storms of life and when the storms come, in many cases, it shakes our faith. This message focuses less on the fact that we will face storms and more on the direction of the storm. It addresses the question if you knew where the storm was coming from how prepared would you be?


April 18, 2021
Life is filled with moments that are often unexplainable, moments that drift off into the unresolved. However, there are those unforgettable moments with God that leave you filled with wonder. In those moments your experience with God can be summed up as an Epiphany, an undeniable revelation of God.

One Thing

March 13, 2021
One of the most revealing stories in the Bible address as a young man that was born blind and Jesus restored his sight. It was not only one of the most miraculous stories it was also one of the most controversial stories. This message focuses on the overall theme which is, your best life is based on just one thing.

The Burning Bush

February 27, 2021
One of the most miraculous encounters in the Bible is recorded in the experience of Moses standing before a bush that is ablaze, but it is not consumed. This message focuses on our encounter with God and the blessing that He sets our lives ablaze, not to consume us, but to ignite us for His glory.

Clear As Mud

February 10, 2021
There are times that the gospel just does not make sense. And Christians began to wrestle with scriptures the calls them anxiety. It is at times like these that faith in Jesus and trust in His word becomes the component to bring us through times of misunderstanding. Faith continues to trust God when His will is as clear as mud.

Freedom of Speech

January 30, 2021
Freedom of speech has become very evident discussion and light of the challenges in modern society. Many are being threatened for exercising their freedom to speak. This message opens our understanding how the Holy Spirit empowered the church with a liberty to use the freedom of speech for salvation.

The Last Line of Defense

January 16, 2021
The question that many ask is, will I be ready for the challenges of the last days? When you study the Bible, you will understand what our line of defense is. When Jesus was in the wilderness of temptation, His line of defense was “It is Written.” This message points out how we can have the same line of defense.

The Cold War

January 9, 2021
The Bible gives us the commission to proclaim the Everlasting Gospel to the world. The proclamation of the gospel is far deeper than the forgiveness of sin. This message reveals the keys to proclaiming the gospel in both word and deed. Get ready to be surprised.

Why You Need the Faith of Jesus

December 11, 2020
In Revelation the people of God are described as having the faith of Jesus. There is no greater faith than the faith evident in the ministry and life of Christ. It is a faith that opens the heart to power and obedience to God’s Commandments. This message outlines the very steps whereby we can also have faith in Jesus.

Give Him Glory

November 21, 2020
We are instructed in God’s word to give Him glory. The final message to the world is, Fear God and Give Glory to Him. How can we learn to be more intentional in our attempt to glorify God? This message looks at a striking reality of how important it is not to take our relationship with Jesus for granted.

Man In the Middle

November 7, 2020
2020 was a banner year where politics took a turn from bad to worse. Christianity was camouflaged in politics and the values of the kingdom were traded for hatred, division, and partisanship. This message answers the questions, who are we and where do we go from here.

The Great Appointment

October 24, 2020
October 22, 1844, one of the most disappointing days in the history of the early Advent Movement catapulted by the Baptist Preacher, William Miller turned into the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The lessons from our past give hope for our future. The Mission and Message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church still remains.

The Everlasting Gospel

October 17, 2020
The Bible gives us the commission to proclaim the Everlasting Gospel to the world. The proclamation of the gospel is far deeper than the forgiveness of sin. This message reveals the keys to proclaiming the gospel in both word and deed. Get ready to be surprised.

The Sword

October 10, 2020
The Sword is the first weapon introduced in the Bible. It is the weapon that the Bible describes as an offensive weapon in the Christian Armor. The Sword is also associated with the Word of God. This video shows the imperative nature of the need to become proficient in using the Word of God.

The Glorious Appearing

October 3, 2020
The Glorious Appearing of Jesus will bring sin and suffering to a never-returning end. This is the culmination of the work that God’s people have tirelessly labored to bring to fruition. This message shares five reason why the Glorious Appearing of Jesus is sooner than you think.

The Appearing

September 19, 2020
The return of Jesus is the glorious appearing that the people of God are looking forward to. Satan is planning to eclipse by leading millions to believe that he is Christ. Evangelicals and Jews alike are looking for Jesus to return to reign on earth. This video informs you of the measures to avoid this deception.

911 - The Day

September 12, 2020
September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for America. For the first time we experience the fragile nature of terrorism within our borders. My wife and I were in flight on United Airlines on that fateful day. This video is a recap of that event and an application of the spiritual lessons that I have learned.

The Faith of Jesus

September 5, 2020
In the closing scenes of earth’s existence, the people of God will need a faith that does not fail. At a time when faith is failing in the world, the church needs to turn to Jesus and His Word to develop their faith. This sermon reveals how the faith of the people of God are developed.

The Remnant

August 29, 2020
The Bible reveals a people that receives the fury of Satan’s anger and wrath. Strangely enough, the commitment that roils his anger is their allegiance to the Commandment of God and an embrace of the Testimony of Jesus. What can we do to share the blessings of being obedient to God’s Law?

Protestants Speak

August 22, 2020
Many Protestants don't know what their church's position is on the Bible Sabbath. Therefore, they settle for Sunday Worship. The confusion that exist in the Protestant church is largely due to the ignorance of its members, pertaining to the Sabbath. This message reveals the voice of the Protestant churches.

Imperative Allegiance

August 15, 2020
In the showdown of the last days allegiance is imperative. In all ages and through all circumstances choosing sides was not optional. As we approach the Battle of Armageddon citizens of earth will be on one side or the other. This message challenges you to choose God’s side.

Apostate Protestantism

July 11, 2020
There is a push for the Christian Church to abandon the integrity of Scripture and to embrace a political agenda. Christians are becoming more concerned about ideology than theology. Somewhere the church began to abandon uncompromising allegiance to God. This presentation reveals how.

The Mouth of the False Prophet

July 4, 2020
The Protestant Reformation began over 500 years ago. It was a movement back to Scriptural integrity. The question is, what happened? Churches no longer identify themselves as Protestant but as Evangelical. What is the difference? This presentation shows you how Christianity is being seduced to abandon the Bible.

Sunday Mask

June 27, 2020
Over the last 40 years the push to make Sunday a holy day has taken place in a very aggressive way around the world. This sermon shows how multiple denominations, in harmony with the Catholic Church, are combining their forces to make Sunday a universally accepted day of worship. This presentation is riveting.

Armageddon - 3ABN

June 27, 2020
The final battle between truth and error is winding down. The coalition of Babylon is under construction. It will comprise of religious, political, and economic organizations. This video addresses the Scriptural directives that God gives us to avoid being drawn in by the Final Coalition.

The Sunday Controversy

June 20, 2020
One of the greatest arguments in Christianity is that the Bible supports Sunday being a day of worship. Many believe and teach that Jesus changed The Sabbath. This sermon examines every scripture in the New Testament pertaining to the first day of the week. If the Sabbath was changed the Bible would contain it.

The Change of the Sabbath

June 13, 2020
The Bible Sabbath was established on the seventh day of Creation Week. It is the only day that God blessed before sin entered the world. How did the Sabbath get changed to Sunday the first day of the week? This message shows you how it happened

Inseparable - 3ABN

June 12, 2020
The faith of the church is being tested and Satan is examining us to see where we are strongest. He is studying us in an attempt to separate us from the love of God. This video addresses the areas of challenge and gives us solid biblical council as to how we can remain inseparable.

Rome Speaks

June 6, 2020
This message addresses the four areas where the Church of Rome has spoken blasphemous words against the God. Daniel and Revelation tells us that Rome will blaspheme God, His Name, and His Tabernacle. The question is how will this occur?

The Mouth of the Beast

May 30, 2020
This message is a full graphical presentation of the rise and proliferation of the Roman Empire. It follows the historical transition from Pagan and Papal Rome. Pope John Paul II revealed the aims of the church of Rome as it relates to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

The Dragon's Whatabouts

May 23, 2020
This sermon addresses the stand-alone Bible verses that seem present a conflicting view about the topic of death and man’s mortality. I address four popular scriptures that are used to teach the "soul " survives death.

The Mouth of the Dragon

May 16, 2020
One of Satan’s most effective teachings is the belief in the immortality of the soul. This sermon is replete with Bible verses that leaves no room for error and supposition. The Bible is in sync on the teaching about the teachings of death.

The Wine of Babylon

May 9, 2020
This sermon is the first in a series of messages that will uncover the “wine” of Babylon’s doctrinal teachings that are used to seduce Christians, Politicians, Economists, and the world’s population. This sermon introduces the first two doctrines that have been most instrumental in deceiving the world.

Babylon's Cup

May 2, 2020
The Cup of Babylon represents the inducements that the end-time coalition of deception presents to the world, its political, leaders, and its financial leaders. The impact will affect every person on the planet in the end times. Our only protection is knowing what God’s Word teaches.

Armageddon - The Final Coalition

April 25, 2020
We are in the midst of the final battle between truth and error. The coalition of Babylon is under construction. It will comprise of religious, political, and economic organizations. This video addresses the Scriptural directives that God gives us to avoid being drawn in by the Final Coalition.

The Time Has Come

April 18, 2020
For so many centuries we have stood on the prophecies of the Scriptures which foretold at a time would come when the world would be challenged and the church would be threatened. This video reveals that everything that the prophets and apostles have forecasted, the time has come.


April 11, 2020
The faith of the church is being tested and Satan is examining us to see where we are weakest. He is studying us in an attempt to separate us from the love of God. This video addresses the areas of challenge and it also gives us solid biblical council as to how we can remain inseparable.

Quarantine - 3ABN

April 10, 2020
What has God called a church to do in a time of quarantine? How can we in this time of social separation fulfill the prayer of Jesus that the church may still be one? This video answers the question and gives us scriptural solutions to remaining socially separated but spiritually connected.

Corona Virus Aftermath

April 4, 2020
The coronavirus is not an isolated incident but a precursor to changes that will forever alter our world. We have become aware of the social economic political and Spiritual changes as a result of this virus but there is still an aftermath that the Bible predicts what bring a paradigm shift.

Pandemic - 3ABN

March 20, 2020
The world is being shut down by a Pandemic of magnificent proportions. A plague that the world did not see coming has also crippled the church. The environment that has gripped the world has brought to us the importance of spiritual commitment. This video addresses the issues and the solution.


March 14, 2020
The Bible unfolds and undeniable description of the condition of the world in the last days. When these signs are compared to the landscape of the world, is becomes clear that the return of Jesus will occur in the not-too-distant future. This message reveals the reliability of God’s Word to predict these times.

The Patience of the Saints

June 15, 2018
These times call for a development of patience that is not naturally acquired. The closer we get to the final movements of earth the tests of our patience will become severe. How can the people of God endure what’s coming? This message uncovers the places in our characters that need to be strengthened for the crisis ahead.